Disclosure: I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Always Discreet. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation. As always all opinions expressed here are my own.
There is a Natural Wonder in North America that people travel from all over the world to come and witness. This Natural wonder is Niagara Falls! Millions of gallons of water rocket over the falls of Niagara every minute while people flock to the nearby state park to get as close as possible to "feel Niagara's flow"! Now what if I told you over 40 million American women don't even have to step foot in New York to "feel Niagara's flow"! Yes this is true! I am talking about sensitive bladder!
Sensitive bladder can happen as we age and it's not something to be embarrassed about! Our bodies go through a lot! After being pregnant or having birth the pelvic floor support weakens, menopause, and other health conditions can also lead to urinary incontinence. I remember growing up my own mom had urinary incontinence. I remember how embarrassed I was when she would have an "accident" while coughing or sneezing. I did not understand sensitive bladders until after giving birth to my third child and we bought a trampoline. I wanting to be the "fun" mom got up and started jumping on the trampoline, this was my first incident. I was horrified and embarrassed and disappointed. They say because so many women are too embarrassed to talk about it, most go several years before bringing it up to their doctors to be diagnosed and treated.
I just wanted to say even over here at Buckeye Moms Meet we deal with sensitive bladder frequently and there is nothing to be ashamed of! Now what if I told you that there is help!? You do not need to feel like you have Niagara falls running down your leg any longer. You can sneeze, cough, exercise again in public without fear! There is a great line of products to help!
Always is a global leader in feminine protection. With Always discreet products, bladder leaks are no big deal and women can enjoy life's activities again!
Always Discreet Was recently granted the good housekeeping seal and named Product of the Year in bladder protection, proving they can be trusted to provide discreet, comfortable, and incredible protection from leaks. Always Discreet Liners were also granted a Better Homes and Gardens Best New Product Award!! In just six months since it's launch, Always Discreet has earned some of the most trusted consumer product credentials in the category!
so lets go over the facts again, shall we?
- Developing a sensitive bladder can happen at any age.
- It happens to 1 in 3 women in the U.S.
- sensitive bladder leaks are a reality to more than 40 million American women
- only 1 in 9 women are using the correct products for protection.
- There is nothing to be embarrassed about...#PeeHappens
If you are interested in finding out more you can visit Always Discreet on
Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful day!